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Monday, April 11, 2011

Who Am I?

Who am I?

To start out with, my full name is Mark Francis Gardner Jr. Most people who know me well, which compared to how many people I know is those people are few in numbered, know me as the kid who never misses a fun moment.  This personality may be a result of my health issues, I have had 25 surgeries in my life due to something called clyidocranialsynostosis (look it up)  or it may just be my personality. In reality the distinction is insignificant. However, because of these various health problems, I was always had some sort of "handicap" growing up. Thankfully however I have a big ego and and drive to overcome these "handicaps". This drive and ego motivated me to prove just how good I really was. So, at about the age of 10, I decided that I wanted to graduate from The United States Naval Academy as a second lieutenant in the Marine Core. Because in my opinion Maries are the baddest and the best, and the best place to become the baddest and the best was at the Naval Academy I felt that if i succeeded, that i would prove to everyone that  I can do whatever I wanted. Well, clearly I am not at the Naval Academy so what changed? Well, after going to Naval Academy's Summer seminar,  training my ass off to tak the CFA (candiate fitness assessment) and passing it, passing academically, receiving the required letter of recommendation from my congressman, AND receiving a letter from the Naval Academy essentially saying as long as I pass my physical, I am in, I receive a letter from DOMERB (Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board) saying that because of my hearing loss (the one thing that was completely out of my control) I cannot be accepted. The reason why I harp on this so much, is because that letter from DOMERB pretty much chose who I am today for me. (for those of you wondering, the Medical standards are the same for the academy as ROTC). I am now currently studying pre-med health sciences with the ambition to become a pediatric surgeon. Lastly I am in Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.

Why I joined a Fraternity?
After reading about whom I am, it should be clear that in high school, ,y thoughts were far from Greek life. What changed? After coming to OSU (from Michigan) and not getting along with my roommate (who seemed to get along perfectly well with the rest of the floor) I found myself for the first time, lacking a social life. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t all bad, my grades were great and I was actively volunteering. But none of that stuff was… well fun. Despite the impression you may have gotten from me as a bitter kid who wants pity from everyone because I got screwed, this is not the case. My about me point was to merely demonstrate that no, this is not my first choice, but I am the kind of guy who will make the best of it. This is where my Fraternity comes in. One Friday night my buddy and I were walking around trying to find some party to get into (as almost all freshman do) when we came across my fraternity house. We went in, had a great time and continued to go back every week. At the time, I had no idea that it was a fraternity house or that I even was going to join a fraternity. However, my best friend from back home told me that he had joined a fraternity called Lambda Chi Alpha. Because I obviously trust my best friend’s judgment, I decided to look into Greek life. I really had no idea where to start, so I decided to start with what my friend had joined, Lambda Chi. When I realized that it was the same fraternity that I had been to several times, it was a no-brainer. After to getting to know the men of Lambda Chi more and more, I felt like I had relationships of equal quality and comfort as my high school buddies. Since then, I hang out all the time with them and I am proud to call myself a Chopper

How do I feel after reading blogabus?
Before actually creating the blog, I was kind of skeptical thinking man, this is just one more thing that I have to learn how to do. However, now that i have actually completed my first blog. I am excited to keep blogging!!!

Other Random Facts:

More info on craniosynostosis (for those premed people out there) can be found on my Facebook notes.

My Favorite vehicle is the Ford SVT Raptor 

I have the Best Black Lab puppy in the world


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